The Month & More

I love the intensity of fast paced creation.  I love creating things last minute, jumping in quickly with spontaneity.  I have done some really cool things that way.   And now I am reaching for something a little different.  Maybe it's more of an "in addition to" than an "instead of" kinda thing.  

In addition to last minute leaping, I am asking to add the energy of choosing things before hand, of having them in place with lots of space and time before they are happening.  It's less the energy of chasing myself off a cliff and more the energy of having things in place as I take a relaxed step into the unknown.  

It's how I am asking my calendar to begin showing up.  Here's how I am doing it.  

I open my planner to the month view of February.  I tap into the life I want to live, the world I desire to lead towards and all the individual projects that I plan on facilitating.  I begin to ask questions.

What would make this month too much fun?
What wants to step into the world with me as the source?
Where do these projects want to sprout up? What dates? 
 What's actually going to work for me?


This month, I got one of my live classes onto the calendar first and then everything else started to fall in place around it.  It's not set in stone, things are still swirling and moving but I have penciled them in.  Getting them into the calendar can provide me with some feedback so I can shift with that new information.  It's an action that keeps things evolving, moving from idea to a realized project.  

February is fleshing itself out and in keeping with my request for creating farther out, I am scanning into March and beyond.  

I am an energetic creature (maybe you are too ;) so I create from the sense of the energy that I am aware of.  I open that March view in my paper planner and gaze.  I engage with March like I'm sitting with a friend.  I reach out with all my spidey-senses and I am present.  I've jotted some things into place and now, coming back to it fresh today, I have the sense of a couple things that are, as my daughter said when she was a toddler, henky.  They're a little off and something about it just isn't sitting right.  So I will asking questions because it might just be a small tweak that will allow it to settle.  A different time, a different venue, a different class.  What am I aware of?

I send those spidey-senses ahead to April and sit with it.  May.  June.  Even if I don't pencil any events in, I engage the future and I feed it with my presence.  And I trust that the small choices I make today will lead towards that future that I spy up ahead and even pull it forward into the now.  

Linda xo


Ask & Receive