Access Body Process Day! A floaty Saturday spent learning energetic body processes that will transform your body, release old trauma and feel really good. What if your body is the key?
The morning process, MTVSS, will focus on inviting calm into our nervous system, a great support for sleeplessness, panic and anxiety. This process has so many applications and can create space in your body.
During the afternoon, we will be running the RNA process. This process has been such a gift to bodies right now, it can bring a sense of relief, space and change to so many different things.
Energy work is hard to describe and has created deep change for me, beyond words and explanation. Would this day be a kindness to your body?
You can join for 1 process, morning or afternoon, or both, an entire day of body bliss.
Reach out via email to secure your place.
Or register for the morning, MTVSS HERE and the afternoon, RNA HERE
the details
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Duration: 9:00 am to 5 pm
Location: Linda’s Lovely Country Home
Cost: Morning-$80, Afternoon-$80, Complete Day-$150