Talk to the Entities® business hours are the time and space you choose to get to work clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating with the spirit world.
Many of the undesirable side effects people can have from the spirit world are simply due to not using the tools that facilitate all energies and entities.
Every choice you make to get to work will pay off in a million unexpected and expansive ways.
This 10 call series we will get together daily to explore and tend to the unseen entity realm using the Talk to the Entities® tools. How much fun can we have getting to work?
Pre-Requisite: TTTE Beginning Class
Audio recordings of each session are included.
the details
Date: December 4-13, 2023
Time: 8:30am MST Daily
Call 1: December 4, 8:30am MST
Cost: Global Pricing ~ $250 CAN for Canadian Residence / $250 USD for US Residence / Rest of the world, please email me for your Global Pricing