Welcome to the book that changed so much for me. It allowed me to move into a space of peace with money. Yes. It is possible!
I read through this book for the first time with my dear friend, Julia Sotas Mattis and a group of others. And as we read, this weird thing happened. We started to see where we lived in fantasy land with money. We got honest with ourselves. And we relaxed. Like a big deep sigh.
I am taking the baton from Julia and jumping in again. Who wants to join me?
All calls are recorded so you can catch up on any you are unavailable to attend or relisten at your own convenience.
the details
Dates: February 1-4 & 7-11
Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm MST Daily
Location: Online
Pre-Requisite: Own the book How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously by Jerrold Mundis
Cost: $175
Your purchase includes all call dates for the entire series.