What have you always been aware of?
Join Julia for a series of classes that will completely revolutionize the way you see the world.
Talk To The Entities is a massive gift to each of us in completely different ways. What treasure can you uncover that can change every area of your life? Are you ready to be as different as you truly are, brave one?
Do you desire to learn how to handle and work with all the entities and energies you are aware of or pretending not to be aware of? And what about getting over all fear and resistance to entity awareness, for real!?
Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness® you will gain greater clarity with the magic and ease the spirit world can truly be while simultaneously getting rid of all difficulty and reaction you may have to entity awareness.
the details
Facilitator: Julia Sotas Mattis
TTTE Intro: August 24, 7pm
TTTE Beginning Class: August 25-26, 10am
TTTE Intermediate Class: August 27, 10am
Location: Live & Online, Saskatoon SK