Hair Today

My daughter, Cameron and I are having a really important conversation today. Hairstyles. (Children always come to their mothers for the big stuff.)

We are debating the merits of the Miley Mullet, the E-girl Style and Chandelier Bangs.

Hair is so fun.  I love it because it is both a big deal and not a big deal.  Hair is something that you can change quickly and dramatically without applying for a bank loan.  You can make a big change and know that change is not permanent.  You're hair is front and center, visible to all, very associated with you.  Changing that part of your appearance can cause a big stir, which can be a really fun way to shake things up and make people look twice.  

That big deal/not a big deal can be a fun place to play around with your life.  We can make things into such a big deal we never actually chose to change anything.  We can attach so much meaning, importance and consequence that we get stuck. 

And we can make things into not a big deal and avoid the depth of our caring and courage.  I use this one as a coping mechanism all the time.  That didn't hurt me because I don't really care.  I don't have to change that because it's not a big deal.  I don't have to acknowledge my magic because anyone could have done what I did.   

Start asking:

Where am I using significance to stop me?
Where am I using insignificance to avoid me?
What hairstyle could I choose that would be so much fun for me and my hair????

xo Linda


Beyond Nice


Walk with Linda #18